المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ايه رايكم نعلم بعض اللغة الانجليزية؟؟؟يالا الكل يشارك

قلب العصفورة
30/05/2004, 02:03 AM
ازيكم يابنات....لي اقتراح بسيط احب ننفذه سوا...اللغة الانجليزية لغة ضرورية لنا في اي مكان...ونحتاجها كثيرا وقت السفر....والحمد لله كلنا متعلمات بالقدر الكافي.....اذن ما رايكم بان نختار موضوع ما..اي موضوع تحبونه ونناقشه سويا"بس باللغة الانجليزيةطبعا"...

بالطريقة دي كلنا هنكتسب كلمات جديدة من بعض....كمان هننمي اللغة وقت الاجازة وننمي مهارة التحدث بها تدريجيا....

صدقوني....كلنا هنستفيد من بعض..بس نختار موضوع ظريف عشان كلنا نتحمس نشارك به....ومحدش فينا يخجل انه يشارك...هنتعلم ونصحح لبعض..

بالمناسبة انا خريجة كلية السن قسم لغة اسبانية وانجليزية"بس محتاجة تقوية شوية"

يالا يابنات شجعوني......ومتكسفونيش:o

منتظرة ردودكم:shy:

30/05/2004, 03:22 PM

فكرة حلوة
ياليت الكل يشارك

قلب العصفورة
30/05/2004, 03:24 PM
كسفتووووووووووووووووووووو وووووووني...

الله يسامحكم.............زعلتوني

منبع الطيب
30/05/2004, 03:28 PM
وانا اعجبتني الفكرررررررررة
نتعلم انجليزي ... من زمان وانا ادور برامج تعلم انجليزي او احد يعلمني
ويالله الباقي على البنات

قلب العصفورة
30/05/2004, 03:57 PM
اخيييييييرا القمران غزالة..ومنبع الطيب.....جبرتوا بخاطري...الله يجبر بخاطركم...

طيب عشان مانضيع وقت....مين فينا هتختار الموضوع اول مرة؟؟؟؟؟
اللي عندها موضوع سهل وبسيط في البداية...تقترحه عشان نبدا سوا

يالا والا هجيب لكم معايا العصا بعد كدة....وهضرب :shy:

30/05/2004, 06:12 PM


منبع الطيب
30/05/2004, 06:35 PM
ياويلي فية ضرب اجل خلاص انا راح انسحب
لا خلاص انا ابدا في الموضوع عن الحب وبكتب جملة يمكن تكون صح ويمكن خطاء

ضرب مافي خلاص اتفقنا:D2

The love water of the life

روح المحبة
30/05/2004, 08:23 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

الفكرة جدا ممتازة

وانا كوني مدرسة لغة انجليزية راح اشارك باللي اقدر عليه

بالنسبة للجملة راح اصححها وارجو انه محد يزعل من التصحيح علشان الافادة

من الخطأ الشائع وضع the قبل life او love
لازم انحط في الجملة فعل وهنيه عبارة عن is
يعني الجملة لازم تكون

love is the water of life

وانا راح اضيف:

i love, you love, she loves, he loves, we all love to be loved

دلوعة الإمارات
30/05/2004, 08:49 PM
الفكرة حلوة وان شاء الله يعيب الكل :up:
love is drama
world is theater
we all are actors
god is director

دلوعة الإمارات
30/05/2004, 09:49 PM
love is drama
world is theater
we all are actors
god is director

قلب العصفورة
30/05/2004, 11:01 PM
ايوة كدة :up:خلينا نستفيد بالوقت...وكفايانا مكياج وشعر ومطبخ وهوسة..

سعيدة بمشاركتكم جدا.....وسعيدة اكتر ان بقي معانا ابلة"هي اللي هتمسك العصا مش انا".....بصراحة اختي روح المحبة انت جيتي في وقتك بالظبط.....لاننا محتاجين حد متخصص اكتر مني بكتييييييييير....فياريت لو مفهاش مضايقة تتابعينا بقدر الامكان وتصححيلنا"من غير حرج"...لان بدون الاخطاء مش هنتعلم الصواب..

انا بس حبيت الفت نظركم ان الجملة الصغنتوتة اللي ضحكتوا علينا بيها دي"لا تكفييييييييييييييييييييي اطلاقا"...لازم نعبر ونحكي عن مواقف و اراء

والاخت منبع الطيب اختارت لنا موضوع كل البنات بتحب تحكي فيه......فعلي بركة الله خلينا نبدا" بالحب"....

يالا يابنات مش عاوزين كسل.......والا الابلة هتضرب وتذنب كمان....:D2

واسمحولي ابدا...:o

قلب العصفورة
30/05/2004, 11:07 PM

]hi every body... first of all i wana tell u that when i begin to talk about love i feel with something sweet knock my heart and i find all the words run on my tongue

i am professing with bravement that i cannot live without love...with it's general meaning tawards my parents .....my family..my friends...my neighbours...and with every person i meet him

but now i wana talk about love with it's private meaning...first i met many people who always asking"is there still real love???????" and i always answer them by"big yes"

yes...belive me there is great love between us but it hide behind all the problems which they called it "love"... let me talk about my try.

i fall in love with every centimetre in my body...and i swear i discovered a fantastic world...only from these moments i knew how the one can forget himself and remember only"one person in his life"
hoping be with him forever....doesnot hear voices except his voice...doesnot see eyes except his shiny eyes...

only from this moments i felt how i can be between thounds of people only with my body...but my heart my mind my ear and my eyes fly awaaaaaaay to him.....

only from this moments i know the meaning of attraction of souls...and how we can think at the same thing at the same time..how even we pronounce the same words at the same seconds.

ohhhhhhh..forgive me girls..it seems that i forget myself.but i try to transfere u all my emotions...and i hope i succseded.

finally.....i hope i didnot bother u...
and i am waiting for ur trials....and ur emotions

31/05/2004, 10:14 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

قلب العصفورة و كل البنات النشيطات اللي في الموضوع الجميل

صباح الخير عليكم كلكم

اسمحولي أحييكم على حماسكم للتحدث باللغة الانجليزية و تحسين مستواكم بها، و اسمحو لي أنقل الموضوع لركن اللغة الانجليزية اللي ما لاحظتوش انه موجود في غمرة حماسكم!!!!! (حلوة في غمرة دي، صح؟؟!!) :cool2:

و يا ريت لو كل مرة واحدة تختار موضوع محدد و تناقشوه في عدد من الردود حتى تكتفوا منه و بعدين تبدأوا موضوع جديد و هكذا عشان متملوش، و الا ايه رأيكم؟؟؟ يعني انتم بدأتم بالكلام عن love ياللا عاوزة اشوف همتكم و مناقشاتكم و أي مساعدة محتاجينها أنا موجودة و نشكر روح المحبة على تطوعها بالتصحيح لكم و نشكر قلب العصفورة على الفكرة الشيقة

تحياتي للجميع

31/05/2004, 11:39 AM

Thanks sis
قلب العصفورة
for your nice participation


LOVE is the sweetest emotion that springs in my heart

LOVE is like that tender kiss

LOVE is to see that special smile, appear on your face

LOVE is like a bouquet with its trimmings & lace

LOVE is like sunshine, strong & true

LOVE is all that


With all my LOVE

31/05/2004, 05:20 PM

السلام عليكم صبايا
انا كثير اعجبتني الفكرة
جبت لكم شوية كلمات حلوة عن الحب

Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of

Love is the language our hearts use to speak to one another. For you, my dear, my heart sings

Love is a light that never dims Like the deepest passion is the ultimate sin

Love is all we have, the only way that each can help the other

Love is the power that heals the soul and mends hearts

Love is the power which can make you or break you. Every time I close my eyes your love is all around

Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get - only with what you are expecting to give - which is everything

Love cannot be measured in how long it has been but how much you spend a day with the one you love

wish that you like it
With all Love


قلب العصفورة
01/06/2004, 04:35 PM
الاخوات...غزاله وسيزا.....كلماتك ممتعة جدا وجميلة ......ياريت تزيدونا اكتر.
بس خدوا بالكم......لازم تكتبوا من عندكم...عشان هو دة الغرض الاساسي.

الجميلة "امال".....دايما كنت بشوفك في ركم العروس..وحسيت انك بنوتة ظريفة اوي وخدومة كمان.....وسبحان الله الصدفة جمعتنا هنا...بجد سعيدة جدا اني اتعرف عليكي....وسعيدة اكتر انك مشرفة هنا عشان تتابعينا..لان واضح ان الابلة بتاعتنا" استقالت":confused:

وهكون اسعد بقي بجد لو اتعرفنا علي بعض اكتر...وبقينا اصحاب...لاني بحب جدا اتصاحب علي البنات السكر اللي زيك كدة...

وانا معاكي طبعا...ان احنا لازم كل فترة نغير الموضوع منعا للملل...بس اما نشوف البنات الكسولة دي الاول هنعمل فيهم ايه..

وبعدين تعالي هنا.........فين مشاركتك ياستازة؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ يالا منتظرين مشاركتك"بالانجليزي مش بالعربي"...:shy:

وشكرا لكم جميعا....

02/06/2004, 09:40 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Ok, our lovely friend

Here I am participating with you though I did not want to disturb you but watched closely to see how you are doing and I can proudly say that the girls responded very beautifully to your topic.z

I would like to thank you for all the sweet words and compliments you said about me and I am glad to have a new member join our corner. z

عندي حاجة صغنونة بس أقولها لك بالعربي: أنا اسمي "أمل" مش "أمال" :cool2:

Well, to talk about "love" is very difficult because there are so many kinds of love: love for kids, love for your parents, love for the one you share your life with, etc. But to sum up what love means, I think it means "never to look for the others' mistakes, being happy to be with them, helping them without waiting for something in return, caring for them and other beautiful feelings that cannot be described".z For me, this is what love means.z

Well, that's enough from me and I will wait to see what you've got, but try not to use Arabic and to communicate in English because this will help you more

Thanks, dear

Best Wishes[/ALIGN]

ذارفة الدمع
02/06/2004, 09:27 PM
Love is the most beautiful word in the world . We cant live with

out it . I cant imagine life without love because the life will be like

a forest with no feeling and sense. The most elevated love is the

love for God and when we love God we must love his creatures

. (wink)

منبع الطيب
06/06/2004, 02:48 AM
ماشاء اله عليكم يابنا انا اخترت الموضوع وغبت ثلاثة ايام لانه اختي في المستشفي
والحين انا مو مصدقة قلت اكيد الموضوع ماراح يعجبهم وراح يطنشون بس شفت العجيب
وصححي على كيفك وماراح ازعل منك ياروح المحبة تعرفين ليش لانه انا احب مدرسة الانجليزي
معاليش اني كتبت بالعربي:D2

06/06/2004, 03:28 AM
hi every body

I liked the idea too much

and liked also the subject

so I would like to write some words about the love

I love my love it means I love my husband

I love my children

I love my parents and all the family

Without love we can t do anything in this life
Love is the ear which we breath it
Love is the water which we drink it
Love is the life

14/10/2004, 06:30 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

hi everybody and happy ramadhan for you and all your families.
when we talk about love ,we can't forget our mothers love.
this women who give us life, happiness and all sweet things that we can't forget
let me wish a longer life to my mother for her
birthday which will became the first day of ramadhan and i wish a long life for all your mums.

god bless you:smile:

ام روان
21/10/2004, 02:34 AM
love is a sweet thing but is it continue after marriage? i don't know i still a single.
Love is for many things someon may love for money, beauty, etc
i want to ask those who are married how many days love continues after marriage?

توته الصغيرونة
30/10/2004, 02:53 PM

thanx for the topic

but i don`t have any words about love ...


maybe ..

love it means being kind with everything, person in this world

:D2 :D2 :D2


01/11/2004, 10:15 PM
[ALIGN=JUSTIFY]salam to all of u

it's a very nice topic>>> not just love it self...i meant talking about our feelings..........u all talked about the pink side of love in its not stoping there.......we r missing a big part of love.......coz love its not just loving ur lover.........i think the most pure love is the mother love for her kids......so we can love so many things in life.....and we should talk about the dark sidecoz i dont think that every body is happy with it

i hope that will take me as a good friend to alll of u


قلب العصفورة
02/11/2004, 12:49 AM
i can not describe for u my hapinness to see ur new participations i can say that i forgot the topic which i put it many months ago..i donot know why we neglect it???

i added my voice to 2om rawan's...and ask every wife???
is it true that love disapear after marriege???go with the wind?? with the problems of the life and the kids???

i think every wife should create a special time for her husband to express her feelings towards him...i think this minutes maybe change many things at her life

finally....we r still waiting the answers of the married women..

plz...keep in touch and let's keep this pages alight with our participations..

see u soon

توته الصغيرونة
02/11/2004, 05:03 AM
قلب العصفورة

why do you look sad ?

or my feeling is wrong ??


قلب العصفورة
02/11/2004, 05:07 PM
hi darling tota

no i am not sad.....why did u say that???? thank god i am well

06/11/2004, 10:56 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Hello, girls

How are you all?? I'm glad that you are still keeping it going and trying to practice your language

I would like to apologize to you all for not being able to be present a lot like before, but you should know that I am trying to be with you as much as I can

Go on, girls and never stop

Your sister


09/11/2004, 12:55 AM
موضوع كتير حلو..بس انا متعلمه انجليزي لاني عايشه باميركا..فا انشالله راح اساعدكم وافيدكم كتير:shy:

From my heart to your heart,

I have something to say,

You are the one

that can make my day!

When I need a helping hand

you are there without delay,

Your love and understanding

I can only hope to repay.

09/11/2004, 10:11 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Hello, dear sister Caramella

You are most welcome among your sisters and thanks a lot for offering help to them. Thanks also for the lovely words you wrote to us. They are wonderful indeed

We would like to see you with us as often as you can

Best Regards, sis

وميض الأمل
09/11/2004, 02:37 PM
[ALIGN=LEFT]Hii for every members;

I would like to thank the lady which introduced this interesting idea.

If we want to open any discussion regarding the LOVE , the first thing we are going to remember , OUR GOD is only who needs this love and our full feeling , because without him our hearts will not be created, sooooooooo let us forget everybody and remember him as our first , and last LOVE , then another creatures will take some space in the heart.


11/11/2004, 06:46 AM

hello girls , how are you all


honestly i didn`t like the subject that you picked " love"

because the girls will not finish this discussion hahahaha

you know we like to talk about love

we can learn more new and useful words ...
most of us know the love meanings ....

we can talk about politics, capitalism,communism,

secularism, religions,cultures , art

sorry girls but no offened ...

just ignore me if you don`t agree with me


ALLAH bless you all


قلب العصفورة
11/11/2004, 05:27 PM
i am soooo happy with all ur participation..but i think w have to change the topic.....i think we all talk about love from morning to the night:D2

hi gowel....i would like to tell u that at first i selected the love topic in order to attact the greatest nomber of girls...and i can notice that this is already achieved

..let's choose an atractive topic to talk about

we r waiting for ur suggestions but i think the topics u rememberd gwel is tooooo dificult we need an easy and atractive one to be easy for all

but also we will not accept ur withdraw..we still waiting ur new subjects..cus it seems that u have a good mind:up:

21/11/2004, 10:15 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Ok, girls

Let me suggest this topic for you and I hope you like it

Tell me: How did you know about 3roos? How did you decide to register in the forum and why? What do you think about it?? Who are your friends in it? Do you feel it is useful to present in the forum? How is it useful? What did you add to the forum and what did it add to you?x

I guess this is a nice and easy topic for all of you, I would like to see your answers and comments and I will put my own comment after I see at least "5 comments"x :cool2:

See you all soon insha2allah

قلب العصفورة
22/11/2004, 01:32 AM
hi amal....nice subject

frankly i dicoverd 3roos by accident i was searching about women sites and i found it...it attracted me by all it's ections especially every girl is interested in the beauty subjects

even the social problem section it teached me alot without i feel..i found the there r alot of people have great problems..each problem i passed it...i tried to take someting useful of it..keep it on my mind and do it in my life

when i have problem and need someone listen to me someone advice me i have always found the girls here close sisters for me..and also when i find myself capable of helping any girl here even by advice i donot hesitate and do it immediatly

frankly.....i donnot like 3roos...i adore it...and adore all his members i mean"my sisters"

loving u all

note:plz amal..i wanna ask u something..if u find any mistake in my paragraph plz tell me..also the other participations....
just quick remind....thx 4 u

قلب العصفورة
16/12/2004, 03:43 PM
heyyyyyyyyyy girls
r u sleeping or what???where r ur participations???we wanna know ur feeling bout our lovely site

i wanna tell u something...in this topic we try to practise english lang inorder not to forget it espicially for those who stop dealing with it in their daily life...like me

and also aquire"يكتسب"new words
briefly....we r making a refteshment for our english
so don't be lazy...and be active and if u have new atractive subject tell us immediatly

waiting 4 ur comments

16/12/2004, 04:07 PM
[ALIGN=LEFT]It's a wonderful subject
I think no one can describe love as the lovers but I'll try to write what the love means to me..
Love is simply when you can sacrifice to someone that mean you love him

I'm studen if it has a mistake tell me about it .Thank's a lot]

17/12/2004, 03:05 PM

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

interesting thread..

where is everyone??

i am gonna answer sis amal's questions..

to be honest i didnt know anything about forums.. i mean i didnt even know they existed.. esp arabic ones.. cuz the sites i visited were limited... i once saw a pic that i liked.. and i checked its properties... and saw 3roos.com.. it was uploaded on this site.. then i checked the site out.. and i loved it..

but i didnt think of registering.. i wasnt used to forums.. then one day i couldnt read the topics... it said we had to reigster first.. erm.. thats how i registered.. lol i never thought i'd be saying this..

but honestly i can say i hv learnt a lot from the forum.. 3roos is wonderful really.. u learn new things from it every time u visit..

thats how it is for me : )

Now whos gonna answer next??

we are waiting..

best wishes

وميض الأمل
19/12/2004, 07:42 AM

My close friend told me about 3roos, and she told me that it is a very attractive sites with cute members(sisters), also she gave me a note that u will find difficulties while signing to the site becuase there r alot of members, really everything she told me about the forum I faced.



:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
:clap: :clap: :clap:
:clap: :clap:

27/01/2005, 04:24 AM
hi girls

In the beginig i like our lovely site( 3roos) too much
I knew about 3roos by accident; i had browsed the (f3f3)sitethen i found 3roos site i like the name of it so i opened
and about how i did decideto register ?honestly i did not want to regiter on it but one time while i had browsed the site ;the topices that i had choosen didnot open and said that i have to regiter and i did not and i'm with you now
i did not penitent to regiteron it and i really learnt alot from forum

wishing the best for all you girls

GOD bless you


قلب العصفورة
27/01/2005, 01:38 PM
hi girl it is the time 4 changing the topic

we wanna discuss "woman work"
if u r living in a comfortable life will u insist in working as the work is social position or to depend in urself or 4 another reason???

a lot of women give all their care to thier work forgetting thier husbands and kids who need them more than anything else

i will tell u my opinion but...........after knowing urs
be active....and tell us

31/01/2005, 06:37 PM
Hello everyone! =)
I was thrilled to find out that there is an English section (somehow this made my life easy! ).

I will participate in the given topic, and then I will give some suggestions which I hope that you would consider. But first, I'll explain one thing, I'm not a teacher (although when I was younger I wanted to be one, but realized that I don't have the required patience). My English leve has been rated is Excellent in different occasions and so, I would really like to help with the sisters already helping. :)

Anyways, back to the topic.......

I believe that the choice, or the need, to work depends on the individual woman's needs and wants. Being a working female myself, I find some kind of peace knowing that I am independant, and as I see it, work, brings the person satisfaction!



I hope no one gets offended, but I have read all the posts and found three main things that, if changed, would help al ot more in the process of improving your English.

1st - Discussions in Arabic
The best way to improve your English, is to actually practice it. Don't worry about making mistakes, or not communicating your idea clearly. Write what you want to write in English, and if you feel that it is required, leave a comment at the end in Arabic. This way you will eventually have enough confident to try and communicate your thoughts completely in English, and learn from mistakes.

2nd - Spelling
Sister! Please note that if you keep using the Internet English, you won't benifit at all. By practice you will get rid of this habbit. And I believe that you "do" want to improve your English to be able to use it in your daily life wether spoken or written.
Examples of words:
Thx - U - cuz - rn't - w/o - lol

3rd - Grammer/Verbs
One very common mistake done by us Arabs, is the use of "too" a lot more than it should be. Keep in mind that "too" is used to state something negative. Example:

-I care about you too much
-Thank you too much

The correct way to say it is:
-I care about you very much (or simply say "I care about you a lot")
-Thank you very much

Enough talk for one day :)
I hope what I wrote helps you as a learner because trust me when I say this, the best way to learn, is to make the mistake and learn from it ;)

Kind regards to all of you -- and sorry if I've spoken a lot! :o

قلب العصفورة
31/01/2005, 07:49 PM
serenity.....please let me tell u that u r great
realy i enjoyed reading ur comments too much

and this give me push to ask u a favor
as u see amal has alot of other responsibilities so we realy need one like u helping us as possiple as she can...

and it will be fantastic if u follow the lessons of the translation which amal already baegan it ...believe me it will be very useful.. we realy need it badly

or u can give us short interesting stories inorder to aquire new vocabulary

i hope u do that serenity and it will be very kind of u
thank u very much...waiting 4 ur answer

05/02/2005, 08:09 PM
قلب العصفورة
I'd really love to help, and in'sha'Allah I will try my best. The thing is, I've just started this major project for work and it is taking up most of my time. I'm hoping that by next week, things will settle down a bit, and then I'd have more time and will surely log on and see how I could be of help :)

Take care! And be safe

لمسة إحساس
15/03/2005, 05:56 PM
حبيباتي ،،، ممكن أشارك؟

17/03/2005, 07:26 PM
Hi everybody i 'd like to participate in this subject to exchange useful information about everything
first i d like 2 tell u z i am very happy coz i am with my sisters here amal and hanan
then i think we have to talk about religion , i need to tell u that we can not forget love for allah
i heard alot about this kind of love but i tasted it only when i felt z i need allah when i was in trouble
i felt z love 4 allah is the love z we can't descride
i felt in my trouble z i was anxious 2 meet allah in every prayer so can u tell me when did u fell this knnd of love?

17/03/2005, 10:00 PM
knock knock..

قلب العصفورة..

where are you dear?? you forgot about your topic??
i see everytime you choose an interesting topic for discussion..

i hope to see more people participating... and i'll be back to give my opinion..

_ _ _ _ _

Serenity.. welcome to our corner.. its very nice of you to offer to help ut your sisters here..
and as for your observations..

yes its true you find some arabic writings in the topics here.. but as you can see this is an old topic.. and we needed to encourage people to participate..

but we keep requesting everyone here to try and write in english..

and yes we notice so many mistakes.. but i decided not to stop at every single mistake and make corrections.. because this might take some time + the member might get discouraged to participate + some new linguistics have come up with the theory that once what we call "the affective filter" rises.. people get discouraged to learn the language.. and this filter is an emotional factor.. it rises when we put someone down.. if we correct people's mistakes here in front of everyone.. and if we keep repeating this.. we would be discouraging the member by increasing the filter..

so how can we learn??

i think re-using words used by others.. can help us learn.. dont u think?? those who are making mistakes.. are also reading.. this would help them improve their language with time..

i am sorry my post had to be so lengthy..

_ _ _ _ __ _


where is your answer dear????

take care everyone..

waiting for everyone to participate..

:flower: :flower: :flower:
best wishes

أم القوقو
28/03/2005, 10:13 PM
i have been away for a while

and I just saw this lovely idea..

but don't stop

go on

and i agree that mistakes should not be corrected repeatedly

because it causes discourgement

ok then

why don't we move to a new topic..

how about if we talk about ...

travelling and holidays..

tell us where did you go in your life

the places you visited or wish to visit

what do you think sisters?

i hope you won't let me down..
by the way

i want to suggest something and i hope you won't be upset

why don't we try to write full words

i mean if you want to say you say you and not u

because sometimes u and z or c or....

these words , or rather letters cause confusion and i don't feel that we are learning


so.. girls tell me what you think..

i am waiting for your answers

قلب العصفورة
29/03/2005, 02:06 AM
first of all i would like to welcome with my friend and my sister(wewe)
and i am very glad that you paricipated with us....and waiting for your notices

second..thx alot for el3aneda and 2om elkoko and realy all your observations are very right

good choise 2om elkoko for the subject..let me begin
i travelled when i was young at saudi arabia...and stayed there many years with my family..
i realy like this country very much...let me say that i envy them at their islamic uniform which protect every women from the eyes of others

when i remember this country i remember my childhood all my friends from many nationalities....and i wish i could come back young girl to live these years another time

then,,,,who u will be the next???

أم القوقو
29/03/2005, 05:45 PM
hi again

let it be me

i went to egypt in ramadan and i even stayed until the eid

it was fun

we saw the pyramids

and the Egyptian Museum

but 2 bad things happened

1- i left my son at my mother's house and he got sick

so she suffered in the eid while i had a good time

2- i gained a lot of wieght

ha ha ha..

you know..i ate a lot of stuffed pigeons and kushari

though it was not even a whole week

i had a good time

thanks for listening or rather reading

who's next?

28/04/2005, 07:46 PM
nice places qalb il 39foora and um al qooqoo..

subhanallah.. in ramadhan i was planning to go to umrah.. but unfortunately it didn't work out..

and i was also planning to go to Egypt.. and that too didn't work out..

i badly wanted to go to those two places.. Saudi because i have been dying to go to umrah.. and Egypt cuz i wanted to try a different place in ramadhan.. and because my best friend is there.. but things didn't go as planned.. alhamdilla 3ala kil 7al..

where are you girls?? i am sure some of you have visited atleast one country..

why not write about it?

if i find more participations, i will write about any place i have been to ..


:flower: :flower:

أم القوقو
01/05/2005, 09:58 PM
please girls participate

let us see what our miss little stubborn has to say!!!